Emerald Jumper

Emerald Jumper

Emerald jumping spider (Paraphidippus aurantius). A few weeks ago, I found one on a lily tree.  This week, one was busy in a hosta on the side porch.  These are beautiful spiders and I feel fortunate when I come across one in the garden.




Sophie (aka Sissy, Sophie Love, Sibby) is a Coton de Tulear, the royal dog of Madagascar.  We got Sophie when she was one year old.  She was afraid of everything, thin, and suffering from skin allergies. To this day, she is afraid of brooms and refuses to get on the furniture herself and must be lifted up.  She quickly became my shadow as I was a constant presence, working from home and loving on her constantly so she would become socialized.  She came out of her shell tremendously when we got Isabella, who we brought home when Sophie was 5. Sophie is gentle, funny, sweet, sassy (DEMANDS her walk each night after dinner), and beautiful.  She is now the first to greet guests, and I call her our social butterfly.  She sleeps tightly against me when the weather is cold and is always near.


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