Living in Maryland, I never realized how much I missed hills and rivers.  Since we’re back home, I constantly think, “Oh wow! That’s really beautiful.”

Susquehanna River from Clark’s Ferry Bridge

On Saturday, I took the camera with me when I went to visit Mom and Dad.  Unfortunately, it poured all the way there and all the way back.  Later in the day, Ben and I drove north again for a birthday party, and the sky cleared for a few minutes.  Of course, I was without my camera, but I was able to get these shots on my cell phone in a moving car!

Driving on Rte. 11 & 15 North.

Finally, I have wanted to live in this old girl since I was a child. My Grandma Womer told a story about how they gave tours when she was young, and the foyer had a floor that was black and white checked marble. I believe this is what sparked my lifelong love of old houses. If you recognize it, leave a note in the comments.

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