Meet Matilda Harley Hartley-Sprenkel: Tilly, Till-a-Roo, Rooty, Rooster, la Diabla.

Tilly is a Havanese dog who was born in January 2017 and come home in March. I wanted a third dog and Ben said “only if she’s black” because he thought the Havanese, like the Coton de Tulear, only came in white. I was on the phone the next day, and Tilly was on her way.

If you read Bella’s story, you know that we thought we had a naughty puppy. Well, we were in for a rude awakening and eventually tried to determine what could be worse than a honey badger. We settled on the devil, and that was our Tilly, la Diabla. She was into everything: trash cans, paper, clothing. She destroyed any toys we gave her and tortured big sister Bella relentlessly (just wait for Lilou’s story, karma comes around).

But she is a big lover too: loves to be held and carried and is the favorite of her aunts Maxine, Nina, and Chris Anne, who debate about which one of them is taking her home. She especially loves my godchildren, Ivy, Finley, and Gavin, and will let Ivy carry her around like a baby. Of all the dogs, she is the one who never leaves my side and stays with me all day in my office.

Ivy and Tilly

Tilly met her match when Lilou came home, and she learned what it’s like to have a little sister who wants to play constantly. Some of the pressure is off now because Lilou and Gigi play a lot, but Tilly still joins in sometimes. She had surgery to repair luxating patellas in early December, so she’s been more calm than usual for the last few weeks.

Heathens — always into something!

Devil or not, Till-a-Roo is our little black dog, and we love her very much!

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