
I started growing roses in Maryland where I removed old knock-outs and replaced them with David Austin’s Generous Gardener. They did so well, I planted a replacement here to climb the arbor in the courtyard paired with the Pilgrim, also from David Austin. Since then the collection has grown to include Jude the Obscure, Don Juan, The Fairy, and Sophy’s Rose. My other roses include the Erzinger Rose from Jeanne, two bargains from Aldi (deep pink and deep peach), Lavender Simplicity, Mint Julep, and a Rugosa from Aunt Marge’s farm.

Most of them were placed in an area near the wildflower meadow, but the soil was not good and they were not flourishing. So this past fall, we dug them all up and moved them to a new spot. I hope they will be much happier in their new home.

One rose was here when we moved in, what I believe is a Peace rose. It is planted by the shed near the apiary. It is generally covered in black spot and often loses all its leaves, but it consistently produces the most beautiful blooms. I’ve considered moving it to the rose garden, but I’m afraid to disturb it.






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